Diseases of Muscular System of The Humans

A number of painful and troublesome medical conditions have been found to be associated with your muscular system. Some are easily curable, while the others are chronic and may last for longer durations, and some are even incurable if not identified and addressed earlier. For a variety of abnormalities that have been found to affect the muscular system, you can go to any of the registered medical practitioners who have specialized in the relevant field. Depending upon the type and seriousness of the situation, the patient may consult or get the help of orthopedists, rheumatologists and neurologists. In most of the cases, the patient suffers from acute, severe or chronic pain or discomfort in the muscles, joints and the surrounding areas. Here follows a brief description of the some of the most commonly occurring muscular system diseases, along with their symptoms and curative measures:



Often first recognized by the inflammation of a single joint, gout is a systemic disorder and has the potential to affect the entire body. As the crystals of uric acid are formed in the joints, the immune system reacts to them as if they were foreign invaders and releases substances that produce inflammation. In 90 percent of the victims, the first episode of this severely painful disorder affects the base of the big toe. Some of the prominent symptoms include swelling, redness, warmth, fever and severe and sudden & pain in the affected area. If these uric acid crystals occur in the form of kidney stones, the patient may suffer from the interruption of the urine stream and excruciating pain in the lower back and groin. The treatment is most often carried out by the prescription of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), colchicines (pain killers), more powerful analgesics and corticosteroids. As the symptoms start abating, bed rest of about 24 hours is recommended by the physicians to avoid another attack which may be triggered by walking or movement.



Caused by an injury or repetitive overuse, it involves the irritation or inflammation of a tendon which is a thick fibrous cord joining the muscles with bones. The patients of tendinitis may suffer from severe pain, limited joint movement, muscle spasms and the rapture of an Achilles tendon. Rest, gentle exercise, over the counter anti inflammatory drugs, ice backs, corticosteroids and surgical operation are some of the suggested treatment measures and the doctor has to go for one or more of these choices.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

This common and persistent systemic disorder can cause severe inflammation of joints throughout the body. In the initial stages, there occurs inflammation and thickening of the synovial membrane (a thin layer of tissue that lines the synovial sac and secretes lubricating synovial fluid to ease movement). After the considerable advancement of the disease, the cartilage and the ends of bones also get eroded, resulting in severe joint damage and deformity. Some of the obvious symptoms are: limitation of joint movement; fatigue and weakness; loss of appetite & weight; stiffness of joints; appearance of rheumatoid nodules; chest pain; and difficulty in breathing. The treatment measures that may be adopted by your health care provider include administration of pain killers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); oral corticosteroids; surgical removal of the diseased synovial membrane; and the total joint replacement by surgical operation.



Characterized by chronic, widespread pain and stiffness in different muscles, ligaments and tendons, it is one of the poorly understood disorders of muscular or musculoskeletal system. The victim usually has to face; chronic fatigue & un-refreshing sleep; widespread muscle pains and aches; and increased degree of stiffness in the affected area. The administration of over the counter pain killers, regular physical exercise and psychological counseling may prove to be very beneficial for relieving the troubling symptoms of this disease. Though, in some cases, it becomes very difficult to relieve the pains, by any means; the abnormality is never life-threatening and doesn't lead to progressive disability or damages of the body.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Usually affecting the women between the ages of 30 and 60, it is characterized by the sudden or gradual appearance of different symptoms, such as, tingling, numbness and pain in the hand, wrist or arm. The patient may also experience a sensation of swelling in the finger which may not be visible. When the median nerve (passing through the carpals), and a ligament at the base of the hand gets compressed by the surrounding tissues or excess fluid, the symptoms of the disease start appearing. The prescription of over the counter analgesics, wrist splint, diuretics, corticosteroids and surgical therapy are some of the commonly applied treatment strategies.

About the Author

Posted by: M. Isaac / Senior writer

A graduate in biological sciences and a PhD scholar (NCBA&E University, Lahore), M. Isaac combines his vast experience with a keen and critical eye to create practical and inherently engaging content on the human body. His background as a researcher and instructor at a secondary school enables him to best understand the needs of the beginner level learners and the amateur readers and educate them about how their body works, and how they can adopt a healthier lifestyle.

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