Muscular System Facts of Human Body

  • The extensive and powerful system of muscles in the human body is responsible for the generation of a great variety of movements and postures that you can adopt for performing miscellaneous routine tasks.
  • As the muscular system facts suggest, there are three major categories these essential structures, namely, visceral muscles, cardiac muscles and skeletal muscles.
  • The contractile organs, responsible for the movement along blood carrying vessels, intestines and stomach, are known as visceral muscles.
  • Cardiac muscles are those contracting organic fibers that are found only in the heart and carry out the laborious activity of pumping the blood across each near and far off corner of the body.
  • Whatever activities you perform in the everyday life are owed to your conscious control over the skeletal muscles.
  • Do you know that the visceral and cardiac muscles in your body keep on working involuntarily and continuously till your very existence comes to an end?
  • The term "smooth muscles" is alternatively used for "visceral muscles" which are not under your voluntary control.
  • Contributing approximately half of the weight of your entire body, the muscles are firmly attached to the bones of the skeletal system.
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  • There are as many as 700 types of muscles that have been identified and named in the human so far.
  • Each of the 700 named muscles can be considered as an individual organ, and it is constructed with the skeletal muscle tissue, tendons, blood vessels and nerves.
  • When you get goose bumps, a tiny muscle contracts to raise your hair and it is considered to be one of the smallest muscles in your body.
  • The Stapedius is the smallest muscle that is located in the ear in humans.
  • The eye muscles, being the busiest muscles in the body, have been estimated to move more than 100,000 times every day.
  • The largest muscle in human body is termed as Gluteus Maximus which the skeletal muscle for you to sit on!
  • The satorius muscle found in your legs is the longest contractile organ in your body.
  • The muscles are able to only contract or pull, so while working individually, they cannot allow the multidirectional movement of different body organs. That is why, to allow multidirectional movement, the most of the muscles are arranged in pairs and work in cooperation with each other. In this way one of the muscles pulls the bone in one direction and the other in opposite direction.
  • The hardest working muscle of the human body is found in the eye.
  • Frowning is made possible by the working of 42 muscles, whereas smiling involves the contribution of 17 muscles.
  • To ensure the growth, strength and perfect health of your muscles, you need to do exercise on regular basis, such as doing push ups, sit ups, running and so on.
  • The 30 facial muscles of your body are responsible for creating various looks, such as surprise, happiness and sadness, etc.
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  • As muscles are found to have close association with the skeleton, afflictions of the former do affect the latter and such conditions are referred to as musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Arthritis, dendonitis, myasthenia gravis, bursitis, rotator cuff tear, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoporosis, arthritis and osteomalacia are some of the frequently occurring conditions of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Some of the common signs and symptoms of the musculoskeletal system disorders involve severe, acute, chronic, diffuse or local pain in the muscles, joints, bones and some other related structures.
  • The human muscle is three times as dense as fat, so the people who do weight lifting training usually gain weight owing to the growth of their muscles.
  • Apart from the creation of movement, the muscles also play their role in the production of heat, protection of organs, easing of the blood flow and the pumping of blood.
  • Heat is generated in the muscles through the mechanism of cell metabolism in which energy is extracted from the potentially energetic food molecules.
  • Responding to the need of the moment, your muscular system strives to maintain the posture and stability of the body.
  • Did you ever ponder on the phenomenon that the bolus of food, you engulf, travels from your mouth and reaches the stomach even while you are doing headstand? Yes, this is owed to the peristaltic movements generated by the smooth muscles along the esophagus.


About the Author

Posted by: M. Isaac / Senior writer

A graduate in biological sciences and a PhD scholar (NCBA&E University, Lahore), M. Isaac combines his vast experience with a keen and critical eye to create practical and inherently engaging content on the human body. His background as a researcher and instructor at a secondary school enables him to best understand the needs of the beginner level learners and the amateur readers and educate them about how their body works, and how they can adopt a healthier lifestyle.

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